This year, the craze for flu vaccination has reached an all-time high. This is attributable to different factors: increased population, growing unrest over H1N1, and the arrival of preservative-free vaccine.
Last week, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said that last year, 1,000 people died in that city from complications produced from the seasonal flu; while only 54 have died from complications from H1N1. These are important facts and perspectives to keep in mind in the 2009-2010 season.
In addition to preservative-free flu vaccines, Passport Health will offer the traditional vaccine, as well as the mist vaccine that comes in the form of a nasal spray.
What is this nasal spray, you say?
FluMist, like the traditional flu vaccine, is a live vaccine (it contains a weaker version of the virus). It is recommended for people between the ages of 2 and 49 years of age; click here to see if FluMist is right for you and your family!
The 2009-2010 Influenza Vaccine will include protection against three new strains of the flu that were known to cause particular misery among last year's sufferers, the Brisbane/10 being one.
September marks the mad rush for vaccination, it's important to make sure you've made your appointment at Passport Health to ensure your safety in the coming season.
No sneezes!,
photocred: http://www.flickr.com/photos/anyongfu/3124069577/