Friday, December 3, 2010

Varicella Vaccine

Chickenpox is a common childhood disease in the U. S.; however it is an adult disease in many tropical climates. Traveling adults should consider vaccination if they have not had the disease. People raised in tropical or subtropical areas now working in or visiting the U.S. who have not had the disease or been previously vaccinated should also consider vaccination. Proof of vaccination against Chickenpox is now required for immigration into the U.S

Monday, November 29, 2010

Travel Evacuation Insurance

The BAD NEWS: Did you know? Most medical insurance plans aren't accepted when you travel internationally. Many foreign hospitals require patients to demonstrate ability to pay before treatment is started. Unfortunately this can result in delayed treatment and high medical bills for individuals who thought they were covered.

The GOOD NEWS: Passport Health has found the best deals on travel insurance. You can even print your insurance ID card immediately! No watching the mail and hoping your card arrives before you depart. From medical coverage and emergency evacuation to trip cancelation and lost baggage we've got you covered. The 24 hour assistance service with a toll free phone number provides immediate assistance if you forget your medication or need care at a local medical facility. The assistance center will make arrangements for your care and for payment of medical expenses. This service is essential while traveling abroad.

It's fast and easy. Why not get a quote for your next trip and take along the additional peace of mind. You will be pleasantly surprised at the very affordable pricing.