What is TWINRIX?
TWINRIX is a vaccine for adults 18 years of age or older. It is injected into your upper arm muscle. It is used to help protect against hepatitis A and hepatitis B infections, which can affect the liver. TWINRIX may not fully protect everyone who receives the vaccine, especially those with immune system disorders. TWINRIX is not used for the “treatment” of hepatitis A or hepatitis B.
Who should get TWINRIX?
There are many things that could put you at risk for either hepatitis A or hepatitis B. You should talk to a healthcare provider to find out more.
How does TWINRIX work?
TWINRIX works by causing the body to produce its own protection (antibodies) that prevent hepatitis A and hepatitis B virus infection. The vaccine cannot give you a hepatitis A or hepatitis B infection.
What are the benefits of using TWINRIX?
TWINRIX provides protection against two of the most common forms of hepatitis, hepatitis A and hepatitis B, through a single vaccine series. You can get separate shots for hepatitis A and hepatitis B, but that would mean a total of 5 shots in 4 visits to a healthcare provider. With the standard schedule for TWINRIX, you only need 3 shots in 3 visits to Passport Health
TWINRIX is a vaccine for adults 18 years of age or older. It is injected into your upper arm muscle. It is used to help protect against hepatitis A and hepatitis B infections, which can affect the liver. TWINRIX may not fully protect everyone who receives the vaccine, especially those with immune system disorders. TWINRIX is not used for the “treatment” of hepatitis A or hepatitis B.
Who should get TWINRIX?
There are many things that could put you at risk for either hepatitis A or hepatitis B. You should talk to a healthcare provider to find out more.
How does TWINRIX work?
TWINRIX works by causing the body to produce its own protection (antibodies) that prevent hepatitis A and hepatitis B virus infection. The vaccine cannot give you a hepatitis A or hepatitis B infection.
What are the benefits of using TWINRIX?
TWINRIX provides protection against two of the most common forms of hepatitis, hepatitis A and hepatitis B, through a single vaccine series. You can get separate shots for hepatitis A and hepatitis B, but that would mean a total of 5 shots in 4 visits to a healthcare provider. With the standard schedule for TWINRIX, you only need 3 shots in 3 visits to Passport Health