Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Yellow Fever What is it?

Yellow Fever is preventable by a safe, effective vaccine. International regulations require proof of Yellow Fever vaccination for travel to and from certain countries. For purposes of international travel, Yellow Fever vaccine must be approved by the World Health Organization and administered by an approved Yellow Fever Vaccination Center. Passport Health is an approved Yellow Fever Vaccination Center. After obtaining the vaccine you will receive an International Certificate of Vaccination (ICV) completed, signed and validated with the official stamp. Because Yellow Fever vaccine is very safe and the disease risk is high, the CDC recommends this vaccine for adults and children over 9 months who will be traveling to high-risk areas.

Reactions to the vaccine are generally mild. Two percent to five percent of vaccines have mild headaches, body aches and a low-grade fever, or other minor symptoms several days after vaccination. Immediate hypersensitivity reactions, such as rash, are uncommon and occur mostly in persons with a history of egg allergy.

Protection Against Yellow Fever
It is important to remember barrier methods, as there may still be a risk of contracting other mosquito-borne illnesses. Passport Health's controlled release insect repellent contains DEET in the appropriate concentrations for use on exposed body parts. Travelers should reduce skin exposure and use mosquito netting whilst asleep. Permethrin should be applied to clothing and netting for added protection.